Chemotherapy,  Treatment


On Tuesday, I had an echocardiogram. Had one before chemo started for a baseline since the chemo drugs I was on can impair heart function.

Got the results back pretty quickly, and if Google told me right, everything looks normal! Excellent news.

That same morning, my very busy oncologist called me to talk to me – I got nervous at first. She called because I don’t need to have any more infusions until surgery. They’re waiting to see if I’ve had a complete response to the chemo, and from there, there are two drug paths I could go on. So if there’s still cancer, they’d swap out on drug for another.

I’m taking this as a good thing since it means fewer appointments and fewer needles.

I’m still feeling pretty good! Still some fatigue and my ankles are swollen again. :face_with_rolling_eyes: At least it’s not painful. Hoping that goes away soon.

Since I’m documenting things, I’ll show you what chemo does to nails.

They feel bruised if I push on the nail but are otherwise painless. I’ve been pretty good about keeping nail polish on so I haven’t noticed before.